Fourth Doctor:
Tom Baker |
Baker enhanced the alien nature of the Doctor, with the Doctor
becoming more aloof, and with less human motives and behavior.
With his strange,staring eyes, toothy smile, and incredibly
long scarf, he often had the appearance of insanity in human
After regenerating, the fourth Doctor eagerly returned
to his "cosmic wanderer" role, cutting off his ties to UNIT
and twentieth-century Earth very early on in his seven seasons.
Four of his companions (Romana (in two regenerations), Adric
and Nyssa) were aliens, and another was a robot dog named
He for decades remained the best known Doctor worldwide,
and was generally considered the most popular of all of the
Doctors, although he's been edged out of this position more
recently in many polls by 10th
Doctor David Tennant.
Tom Baker's first of forty complete stories was Robot, broadcast
between 1974 and 1975, and his last was Logopolis, broadcast
in 1981.
While unlike his predecessors, none of the fourth or any
subsequent Doctors' stories have ever been partially or fully
destroyed, one Tom Baker story was never completed due to
BBC strikes.
This story was Shada, written by Douglas
Adams, which would have been completed and broadcast in 1980
to crown the fourth Doctor's penultimate season, season seventeen.
In the late 1990s, a video release of the story was made
using all of the existing footage, strung together by narration
by Tom Baker in character as the Doctor.
A few clips from Shada were used
some time before this for the twentieth anniversary episode The
Five Doctors.
This was done as a way to include the character and explain
his absence, since Tom Baker reportedly
felt it was too soon for him to return to the show.
A wax figure from Madam Tussaud's took his place in publicity
Baker returned to the role in 1993 for the best-left-forgotten
multi-Doctor story Dimensions in Time,
which was broadcast as part of the yearly Children in Need
night on the BBC. He also appeared as the Doctor in a series
of TV ads in New Zealand in the mid '90s, but has unfortunately
never accepted offers from Big Finish to record any of their
Doctor audio adventures featuring previous Doctors.
Look below for more photos and sound clips
of Tom Baker as the fourth Doctor: