Wednesday, March 12, 2025 11:11

Weta Doctor Who Collectables Video

Richard Taylor of the Weta Workshop has posted a video where he talks about the Weta line of Doctor Who collectables. I have to admit I’m drooling over a couple of these figures, especially the statue of the Roger Delgado Master from Terror of the Autons, and the statue of the fourth Doctor and Davros from Genesis of the Daleks… although the Ice Warrior helmet, and, frankly pretty much the entire line looks cool as hell.

Here’s the video of Mr. Taylor talking about how cool it was for him and the Weta Workshop to work on collectables for the show that it seems inspired many of them to go into the business in the first place… Doctor Who:

Here’s a couple images of the statues. How cool is that one from Genesis of the Daleks?

Fourth Doctor & Davros Weta Statue

The Master & Auton Weta Statue

Click for Weta Statues
in the USA
Click for Weta Statues
in the UK

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