Wednesday, March 12, 2025 10:57

Doctor Who Special “The Waters of Mars” New Preview Video

The BBC has released a preview of the upcoming Doctor Who special “The Waters of Mars”, which is set to air “Novemberish” according to exiting producer Russel T. Davies. You can view the clip below, assuming the BBC doesn’t yank it from YouTube.

So far there’s not a lot of official details about the story, beyond the casting of Lindsay Duncan as the Doctor’s companion for the story, and the obvious information that it’s set on Mars. We know that Duncan will be playing the head of Mars Base, and will not welcome the Doctor’s arrival.

Because the story is set on Mars, there has naturally been a lot of speculation that it might feature a return of the classic Doctor Who aliens the Ice Warriors, who come from the red planet.

Nothing so far has suggested this, except possibly something in this clip. I may be stretching a little here, but the mouths of the water “infected” people we see in the clip look very scaly and *slightly* resemble the mouth of an Ice Warrior.

Could it be the waters are creating a new breed of Ice Warriors, or am I out of my mind? Yes, I’m probably out of my head, but leave your comments below and tell me what you think…

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see The Waters of Mars — I’ve been jonesing for new Doctor Who since the last special, and seeing it’s directed by Graeme Harper, it should be an exciting episode to watch.

Just this and two more appearances of David Tennant as the tenth Doctor, before he hands the key to the TARDIS over to Matt Smith at the end of the year. It’s always hard to say goodbye to a Doctor, yet it’s also exciting to look forward the new actor’s take on our favorite character. I, for one, can’t wait.

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