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Archive for the ‘Daleks’ Category

A Dalek Appears on Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson – Video & Photos

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

A 2005-style (bronze) Dalek appeared on tonight’s episode of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson — I found out about it literally 10 minutes before the episode started thanks to Twitter and was able to set my DVR to record it in time.

I took several screen shots which I’ll post below, but first here is a video of the opening for the show, which featured Craig waxing enthusiastic about the Daleks:

And below I’ve posted a quick gallery of screen grabs, including Craig hugging the Dalek, playing with its eye stalk, plunger & gun, and even guest Dennis Miller touching a Dalek bump:

3 Preview Clips From Doctor Who: Victory of the Daleks

Saturday, April 17th, 2010

At the end of last week’s episode, the Beast Below, the Doctor gets a call on the new TARDIS phone from a certain historical Prime Minsiter of Britian, who needs the Doctor’s help.

Since then, the BBC has released 3 teaser clips from Victory of the Daleks, the first Dalek story to feature the eleventh Doctor (but I imagine not the last).

In this clip, the Doctor introduces Amy Pond to Winston Churchill who apparently has known the Doctor (and coveted the TARDIS) for some time.

5 Gallifrey One Dalek Videos

Sunday, March 7th, 2010

I wasn’t able to make it to this year’s Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles, but I lived vicariously and somewhat enviously through people tweeting during the convention weekend.

I decided I’d collect some of the videos from the con here on the TARDIS Databanks so some of the best are gathered in one place  and help others live vicariously too.

To get the ball rolling, I thought I’d share a few videos of a fan-made Dalek that was roaming the halls of the LAX Mariott. I’d love to have seen the thing up close (heck, I’d love to OWN the thing!) – it looks amazing from the videos. And clearly, the fan operating it was having a blast, too.

Dalek Operator John Scott Martin Has Died

Monday, January 12th, 2009

john scott martin, dalek operatorJohn Scott Martin, who appeared in over 70 episodes of Doctor Who, has died at the age of 82.

Though they may not recognize his name, fans of the classic series of Doctor Who have seen his work again and again, as he played Daleks and many other aliens and monsters over the years, including a the Zarbi (The Web Planet), the Mechanoids (The Chase), a Mutt (The Mutants),  the Nucleus of the Swarm (The Invisible Enemy) and more.

While Martin mainly played monsters in the classic series, he also occasionaly played human characters including a miner named Hughes (The Green Death), although he was not always credited.