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Archive for the ‘David Tennant’ Category

David Tennant To Appear in a Two Part Sarah Jane Adventures Story This Fall

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

The Tenth Doctor, Sarah Jane and K9The BBC Press Office is has announced that David Tennant will be appearing in two episodes of the upcoming series of The Sarah Jane Adventures.

In an interview (see video below), departing Doctor Who producer Russel T. Davies described it as “not just a cameo appearance. It’s not just like he turns up at the end in the TARDIS… It’s a proper story where the Doctor gets involved… he meets Sarah Jane’s gang, the stakes are really high and… it’s like a treat for those who are missing Doctor Who on the screen.”

Tonight’s The Night Doctor Who Scene

Sunday, May 24th, 2009

As many UK residents know, the show Tonight’s The Night, which is hosted by Doctor Who’s own John Barrowan (a.k.a. Captain Jack Harkness) has been running a competition to win a chance to star in a special Doctor Who scene with Barrowman.

Well, the winner has been picked, and the scene aired last night on BBC One. You can find a YouTube video of the scene below, which features a surprise appearance by David Tennant. Considering filming for his final Doctor Who episodes has now wrapped, this is probably about the last thing Tennant filmed on the TARDIS set!

Doctor Who Easter Special Planet of the Dead Trailer #1

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

The BBC is beginning to play trailers for the upcoming Doctor Who Easter special “Planet of the Dead”, one of David Tennant’s final outings as The Doctor.

Watch the first Planet of the Dead trailer below:

Planet of the Dead features David Tennant as the tenth Doctor, and Michelle Ryan (Bionic Woman) as companion-for-the-special Christina de Souza. The story involves the Doctor and Christina being transported (while riding a London bus) to an alien world, where they encounter the fly-like Tritovore.

Planet of the Dead will air Easter weekend

TARDIS Interior to Get a Redesign to Go With the New Doctor

Monday, March 2nd, 2009

tardis console room series 1The Telegraph is reporting that the current TARDIS interior will be given “a complete overhaul” before the end of David Tennant’s run, just in time for new Doctor Matt Smith to take over.

The details are a little sparse at this point, but the redesign was the idea of new producer Stephen Moffat, and has been described as “the most high-tech, intricate TARDIS ever.”

Personally, I really like the current interior, but wouldn’t mind seeing something a *little* closer to the traditional roundels and columns, but I guess I’ll have to wait and see before I pass judgement.

Doctor Who Monsters the Ood to Return in 2009

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

It seems that an Ood was spotted during filming of what is presumed to be the second of the 2009 Doctor Who specials, starring David Tennant as the Doctor and guest starring Lindsay Duncan as his companion.

Filming is currently going in Newport, Wales; earlier in the week filming took place in a quarry, an old standby of the classic series.

During the filming at the quarry, David Tennant was seen wearing an orange spacesuit much like the one he wore in the series 2 two-parter The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, which introduced the characters of the Ood.

The Tritovore – the New Doctor Who Monsters in the Easter Special Hoped to Rival the Daleks

Friday, January 30th, 2009

This Easter the Doctor Who special “Planet of the Dead” will introduce a new monster the BBC hopes to be as iconic as the Daleks. The Tritovore are described as “half-man half-fly” creatures according to the Daily Mirror.

“They are disgusting and will last long in the memory,” and were designed in the hope of becoming as iconic Doctor Who monsters as the Daleks or the Cybermen.

David Tennant and Michelle Ryan from Planet of the DeadThe Doctor will face the Tritovore alongside new companion Lady Christina de Souza, who is played by Michelle Ryan of “Bionic Woman” and “Eastenders”.  It has been rumored that Ryan’s character will not just appear in the special, but may become the ongoing companion in future specials or series five in 2010.

11th Doctor to Be Announced Saturday

Friday, January 2nd, 2009

The BBC has stated that they will be officially announing the name of the actor who has been hired to play the eleventh Doctor.

The new actor was cast last year, and the BBC uncharacteristically was able to keep the lid on the secret through the holidays.

Head of drama at BBC Wales, Piers Wenger said: “We believe the actor is going to bring something very special to the role and will make it absolutely their own. I just can’t wait to tell everyone who it is – it has been a nail-biting Christmas trying to keep this under wraps!”

David Tennant to Undergo Back Surgery; May Delay New Doctor Who

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

David Tennant back surgeryAccording to the Royal Shakespeare Company, David Tennant will be undergoing back surgery for a slipped disc.

Tennant has been experiencing back problems for some time, and has recently been unable to perform in the most recent productions of Hamlet, where he has played the title role some 60 times.

Now it seems he will not be returning to the role at all, since he was already scheduled to finish his run in the production on January 10th, and it seems unlikely he would be able to do so so quickly after surgery.

David Tennant Leaving Doctor Who

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

David Tennant leaving Doctor WhoThe rumors we’ve all heard for a while now about David Tennant leaving Doctor Who are true. It’s official: According to the BBC,  David Tennant has announced he will no longer be playing the role of the tenth Doctor once filming of the 4 Doctor Who specials in 2009 has been completed.

Tennant said the following during his announcement:
“I’ve had the most brilliant, bewildering and life changing time working on Doctor Who. I have loved every day of it. It would be very easy to cling on to the TARDIS console forever and I fear that if I don’t take a deep breath and make the decision to move on now, then I simply never will. You would be prising the TARDIS key out of my cold dead hand. This show has been so special to me, I don’t want to outstay my welcome.

There’s a Doctor Who Movie Coming Soon If David Tennant Has Anything to Say About It

Thursday, September 11th, 2008

tenth doctor david tennant in a proposed Doctor Who filmAccording to various UK news ranging from the Telegraph to the Sun, tenth Doctor David Tennant may appear in a Doctor Who movie. Tennant has not yet signed on for series 5 in 2010 and is apparently using a feature film as a bargaining chip — offering to do series five…

But only if he can land the role of the Timelord in theaters.

The rights to make a Doctor Who movie have been held by BBC Worldwide, but plans got put on hold when the TV series returned. But now with the popularity of the show as great as it’s ever been, now might be the right time to make a film.