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Archive for the ‘Doctor Who downloads’ Category

Doctor Who: Podshock Second Life Meet Up February 2010 Video Intro

Monday, February 8th, 2010

A few times a year, the guys at Doctor Who: Podshock have a virtual meet-up in Second Life.

If you're not familiar with Second Life, it is a virtual world created by Linden Labs, where people can create custom "avatars" to represent themselves as they move around in a virtual world.

People spend hours and hours in this virtual world, creating virtual items from clothing to working machines, and some fans have even created a "working" TARDIS, and a reproduction of the Cardiff Bay area, adorned with Doctor Who posters, statues, and other icons from the show.

Listen to Doctor Who: Podshock – Episode 182

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Louis, Ken, & James have returned with Doctor Who PodShock Episode #182.

In this episode, they continue the series of episodes where they have been reviewing all of the regeneration episodes leading up to the beginning of the Matt Smith era.

This Podshock episode reviews the final story of Chris Eccleston, the ninth Doctor's all-too-brief era, The Parting of the Ways.

Click to see post @ Doctor Who: Podshock

Doctor Who Downloads – Classic Series Episodes on iTunes

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

It’s a great time to be a Doctor Who fan in the United States — for so many years it was next to impossible to see Doctor Who, and it was incredibly obscure outside of fan circles. These days, with the modern series airing on Sci Fi, BBC America, a few PBS stations, and even getting mentions in TV guide and other mainstream publications, it’s a different world from the long lonely days of the 90s.

third doctor Jon PertweeNow a new option is available for American Doctor Who fans who want to watch the show — the iTunes Store.