New Materializations
I'm sorry, This page is no longer maintained.
. You want to go here.
8-30-00 Still trying to find time to do the occasional update. Added a couple of links to the
links page. More to come at some point in the future. . .
5-26-2000: OK. It's been a very long time since I've done an update,
and yes, I'm horribly ashamed. I've finally replaced the long-malfunctioning
counter with one from, and I'm going through the site over the Memorial Day weekend, cleaning up ancient detritus from my early days of HTML, and possibly adding a few images and fixing links. We shall see.
I've sifted through the site, mostly fixing image alignment problems
and making the various Doctors' pages a little more standardized.
Also split The Doctors Page into two
parts to reduce load time, and did the same to The Monsters and Villians.
For those who have given me images, sounds, etc. to add to my site,
I still have them set aside to do so, and will get to them. . . in time.
I've made more updates (forgetting to document the last few), including adding
new sounds to the Master's page, and the third Doctor's.
Updated the Seventh Doctor page with a couple new sounds.
Fixed an image alignment problem on The Master page
Made a few more tweaks here and there.
Made a new button for the Doctor Who on the Web link on the top page. Made the following changes to the top frame: fixed it so you don't have to scroll down to see the bottom of the logos, changed the followed link color, and retuned
the color of the logo to better match the look of the site.
I've updated the Seventh Doctor Page with new images, and done a few more tweaks here and there.
Some people have experienced problems playing certain AVI files downloaded from this site. As I suspected, it is indeed
a compression driver issue. If you have problems with any of the AVI files on this site, please point your browser to
and download the file called iv5devl.exe. Credit and my thanks go to for locating the fix.
I also noticed that the problem went away on my PC when I upgraded to Windows 98, but this isn't justification to go out and buy it. 8)
I've finally had the time to give the Databanks a much-needed facelift. Changes made include moving the introductory
info from the top page to its own page, and replacing the info with the internal links from the
Deeper into the Databanks page. External links have been moved to their own Doctor Who on the Web page. The Master now has his own page linked off The Monsters and Villians page.
I also (finally) replaced the animated gif from The TARDIS page with a static image which
you can now click on to view the animated version. I also added links to several images of the TARDIS. There are other changes,
but I leave it to you to find them.
The site has moved to a newer, faster server -- it used to be on a '486 UNIX box, and now resides on a Pentium running Windows NT.
The counter system, which has been working intermittently, has been replaced and will look slightly different and should actually
work. 8) Anyone who happened to hit my site while I was updating the counter system on the afternoon of Friday January 9, 1998,
may have noticed the counter briefly reset to zero or thereabouts before I imported the old count. I'm hoping to do a fairly
sizeable update to the site this weekend if time permits.
I've done a pretty thorough update of my site including creating a logo for the site, and added images to the pages
of Doctors one, two, three, four,
five, six, and seven.
I also converted many gifs to jpegs to save space and reduce load time, and removed the sounds from the eighth Doctor's page because of their poor quality.
More images should be arriving soon.
Sometime over the weekend of July 11-13, 1997, many files on this site vanished from the sever. Thanks to several
pieces of e-mail I discovered the problem and have replaced as many files as I could. Since there seems to be no
pattern to which files were affected, I can't tell if I've found them all. If you run accross any pages with
missing images, or links which give you 404 Not Found errors, please e-mail me and tell me
which page and/or which link gave you the problem and I will replace the file as soon as I can.
Version two of Brian Copeland's The Complete Episodic Guide to Doctor Who is now available on The Fans page.
Finally had a chance to update my pages a bit -- added several sounds to The Second Doctor Page, The Third Doctor Page, The Fourth Doctor Page, and The Sixth Doctor Page.
Updated all my pages so the counter files (should) work with the new server.
Added The TARDIS Console Simulator to The Fans Page.
Updated just about every page: shrank all of my largest images to speed up loading time, fixed typos, and generally tidying things up. Added a couple of sounds to The Third Doctor Page.
Fixed the problem with the video clip from The Invasion, and restored it to The Second Doctor Page.
I've added three AVI video clips to The Fans Page captured from a series of ads which ran in New Zealand, featuring Tom Baker reprising his role as the fourth Doctor
I noticed a lot of these start with I. 8)
I added a couple sounds to The Fourth Doctor Page.
I added several sounds to The TARDIS Page, and to The Monsters Page.
Made further tweaks to my frames, and updated The Fans page.
I redesigned my frames a bit to improve ease of navigation throughout the site, and updated my TARDIS Page.
Brian Copeland's The Complete Episodic Guide to Doctor Who is now available on The Fans page.
I added a Doctor Who sonnet and a partial script I wrote several years ago to The Fans page. Brian Copeland's
interactive guide to the series will also be returning very soon.
I've made a few minor changes on several pages, mostly adding some pictures (the logo centered above, for one).
Those of you with frames-capable browsers will see I've finally converted the Databanks to frames. If you don't have a frames-capable
browser and you're having trouble viewing any of these pages, please mail me with a description of the problem, and which
page(s) were giving you the problem.
I've added WAV files of the opening and closing themes from the Fox TV movie on my The Eighth Doctor page, and a video
clip from Masque of Mandragora on The Fourth Doctor page.
I've added new fiction by William Albert, and a program by Brian Copeland which provides a thorough guide to the series to The Fans page.
I've added my Doctor Who Doom II sound WAD to The Fans page, and a Quicktime movie clip from The Invasion to the second Doctor's page.
I've added a new page to the TARDIS Databanks -- The Fans, which focuses on the fans of the show, and includes
pictures, original fiction, and software created by fans of Doctor Who.
I have updated the following pages: The Monsters, The First Doctor, The Second Doctor, The Third Doctor, The Fourth Doctor, The Sixth Doctor, and The Seven Doctors.
Click here to download a Doctor Who Windows 95 desktop theme, created and thoughtfully provided
by Brian Copeland.
You will find some new sounds on the sixth Doctor's page, sampled from Trial of a Timelord.
I've uploaded a bunch of sounds from the Fox telemovie. They are as yet unsorted and unedited (all a question of time
which I currently don't have) but you may click here for a list to play and download. I'll be adding them to
my eighth Doctor page and my monsters page.
Is this the future look of the Daleks?
These stills, and this (Zipped) FLC movie were kindly provided by Mark Steele
If you don't know how to play FLC (Autodesk Animator) files, you can find payers for the PC and Macintosh platform here. If you are running Windows 95
you will find a file AAWIN.EXE in your Windows directory which will play FLC movies (this may also be true of Windows 3.x).
Click here to download a zipped AVI video clip of Peri going for a swim in her first story, The Planet
of Fire.
This page was created on Friday, June 28, 1996
Back to the TARDIS Databanks
All opinions are my own.
Doctor Who and TARDIS are
copyright BBC.
The Daleks are copyright The BBC and Terry Nation.
All other
properties, images, etc. are copyright their respective copyright holders.
I intend no copyright infringement. Please show your support for Doctor Who
by paying for it.