Second Doctor:
Patrick Troughton |
transformed, was younger with a new personality which in some
ways set the stage for all later Doctors.
This Doctor displayed
considerable knowledge and expertise gained through extensive
travels, and had even gained some small measure of control
over the
TARDIS, although not much
more than his predecessor.
Troughton's Doctor also had a sense
of wonder, coupled with a child-like playfulness. But while
he often played the fool, capering with a disarming smile and
playing his recorder, he hid the mind of a brilliant scientist.
The second Doctor's first story, which no longer exists in
the BBC archives, was The Power of the Daleks. The six-part
story was broadcast between November and December of 1966.
His last regular story was The War Games, broadcast
in 1969. It was this ten-part story that revealed the Doctor's
origins, which heretofore had only been hinted at: he was
one of a race called the Timelords, who had mastery over
time and space, but who were content to watch without interfering.
The Doctor was taken back to his at the time unnamed home
world, and put on trial for the crime of stealing
a TARDIS and interfering in the universe outside. His sentence
was a forced regeneration, and exile on Earth in the twentieth
century, with the knowledge of how to operate the TARDIS
blocked from his mind.
Of the twenty stories of his era, only six remain in their
complete form. One of these, Tomb of the Cybermen, was
only rediscovered a few years ago in Hong Kong.
The second
Doctor returned for the tenth anniversary of the series in The
Three Doctors, for the twentieth anniversary in The
Five Doctors, and one final time in the twenty-second
season story The Two Doctors, where he met the sixth
Look below for more photos and sound clips of Patrick Troughton
as the second Doctor: